4 Unique Espresso Shots with Slayer

In the coffee world, the espresso shot stands as a hallmark of rich, concentrated flavour. It’s a short drink, packed with flavour and complexity.

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Traditional espresso aficionados are familiar with the routine – 30 seconds (ish!) of extraction, a perfect crema, and the anticipation of that first bold taste. The espresso has long been the basis of coffee shops everywhere with latte’s, cappuccinos and flat white’s all starting with well-extracted espresso shot.

So how could this be different? Is this the ONLY way to make espresso? Are we confined to 30 second shot times and a short, punchy beverage?

Well, perhaps not.

Enter Slayer.

The Slayer Machines are challenging the “espresso norm”, with a longer extraction time of 50 seconds, Slayer machines offer a way for coffee artisans to explore flavours that they didn’t know were available.

What is the advantage of a Slayer Coffee Machine?

The extended extraction time on a Slayer Espresso machine might raise eyebrows among purists accustomed to the 30-second rule.

However, the secret lies in the pressure profiling capabilities, allowing baristas to manipulate the extraction process and unlock a spectrum of flavours. Before we dive into Slayer shots, let’s do a refresher on the basics of espresso – there is a guide to extraction in our Magic Coffee article.

A photo of a two group Slayer espresso machine

What espresso shots are available on the Slayer Machines?

There are four types of “special” espresso shots available on a slayer machine; The Slayer Shot, The Extended Brew, The Decline Shot and The Bump shot.

The Slayer Shot

In the world of Slayer Espresso, the signature shot is a testament to control and precision. With a 50 second pull split equally between the pre-brew phase and the full brew phase, this shot allows for a meticulous manipulation of the flow-rate throughout the extraction.

The result is very well-balanced of flavours, where notes of mild acidity, rounded sweetness, and satisfying bitterness harmonize to create a truly unique tasting experience.

A graph showing how to pull a shot on a slayer espresso machine

The Extended Brew

For those seeking an extraction that will highlight a coffee’s natural sweetness, the extended brew on a Slayer machine is a revelation.

By adjusting the flow-rate during the pull, baristas can elongate the extraction process without sacrificing balance. This method brings out rich sweet flavours, creating an espresso that pops on the palate—perfect for those who appreciate an exciting burst of flavour in every sip.

A graph showing how to pull an exdended brew shot on a slayer espresso machine

The Decline Shot

In the pursuit of complexity, the decline shot on a Slayer Espresso machine is a captivating experiment.

By gradually increasing and decreasing flow-rate during extraction, this shot emphasizes intense body. The result is an espresso that starts strong, peaks with intensity, and gracefully declines, leaving a lingering aftertaste that invites reflection.

A graph showing how to pull a decline shot on a slayer espresso machine

The Bump Shot

For those who enjoy a bold and intense kick, the bump shot is the answer.

By strategically increasing flow-rate at specific intervals during the extraction, this shot extracts the boldest acidic flavours from the coffee. The result is an espresso with heightened intensity—a punchy, experience that caters to those who crave a more pronounced flavour profile.

A graph showing how to pull a bump shot on a slayer espresso machine

Exploring the world of espresso with a Slayer machine is an adventure in flavour customisation. The extended extraction time, coupled with flow-rate profiling, opens the door to many possibilities.

If you’re eager to unleash you’re a budding barista and would like to experience some real coffee craftmanship, we invite you to visit our showroom in Newcastle.

Come and play with the Slayer—discover your perfect shot and savour the flavours that await.

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